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Goddess Workshops

"Hers is the power of becoming. That is why so many are unconsciously afraid of her - they know at a deeper level that when they connect with the goddess, their lives will not be the same again. It takes guts to let her in. Once you commit to living from heart rather than from your head, life goes from being a spectator sport to a visceral and engaging experience. To become fully alive is a process
that is not attained by being born. It takes courage and consciousness. In return, an abundance of beauty and blessing is given."


Come and connect to the Goddess wisdom and embrace a world of new opportunity and infinite love and compassion . open to a new way of moving in the world that taps into the magic of life, removes effort and trying and shows you the flow you have been craving. this workshop will call on the goddess energy to heal and transform your relationship to yourself and others. many women notice immediate benefits which include a deep sense of connection and freedom, deep healing and energetic transformation. but the magic is mostly in the unraveling and transformation over the weeks and months following the workshop as the goddesses weave their magic through your life in a way that is just right for you.

take time out for yourself and join me and a group of luscious women for a deep dive into the truth and divinity of the goddess energy.

““It is a call from the Sacred Feminine to bring the feminine principle into consciousness. It is time to “gather the women” – for only when women are strong together can women be fiercely protective of what we love. Only then, will the children be safe and peace a real possibility.””
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