We've been lied to.
We've been deceived.
They tried to keep us from remembering and invoking our truths.
They taught us to fear what lurks in the dark.
They said nothing good ever happens in the shadows, but we know better: it's there that we will find ourselves again, untethered from the conditioning of the light.
It's in those shadows that our feminine power is suppressed, where we are told that our divinity is diminished, where the tale of our Goddess form has been silenced, and where our crowns are stolen and hidden away—no more!
It's time for our inner Dark Goddess to be revered.
It's time for us to befriend her and receive guidance from her. It's time for your whole self to awaken!
It's time for us to reclaim our femininity, to bring back the tales of our divinity and silence the lies about what it means to be a Dark Goddess. It's time for us to reconnect with our inner light, no matter how hard it may be.
It is in the adventure of exploring our Shadows, untethering from the conditioning of the dark, that we will fully remember our wholest and truest form. It is through the befriending and willingness to receive guidance from the shadows within that we will awaken our inner Dark Goddess.
It is time for the Dark Goddess to be revered like she was meant to be: as a sacred being who holds all of her powers—darkness included—in her hands.
Join me March 9th 5:30pm pst & 10th 2pm pst
For the Shadow Femme Masterclass
It is time to unravel all of the patriarchal untruths, & Meet your Dark Goddess Self.
**Replays will be available to those unable to join in live**