Inner Goddess Workshop Series
The inner goddess is the channel between earthly life and spiritual life. She is the part of you that yearns to manifest the beautiful energy of your inner world in the physical world. She is in pain when the outer life doesn’t honour and express inner wisdom.
She needs spiritual authenticity and integrity between body, mind, and soul. She cannot live without spiritual light and earthly connection. Those needs are the basis of her power.
When she honours them, she becomes able to fulfil her priestess role, which is to embody divine connection and assist others in doing the same.
She is a healer, a sacred change-maker, a divine alchemist. When we listen to our inner priestess and honour her messages, we become bold feminine warriors, refusing to be silenced or disrespected. We become self-confident, certain about who we are, clearer about our life purpose and how to fulfil it.
When we are in touch with our inner Goddess, we connect with an internal spiritual sanctuary and a feminine power source gives us intuitive guidance and a courageous, can-do, fire-in-the-belly attitude. We step into our feminine power and choose to create our lives rather than accept what society or any other person may try to impose upon us.
We embrace the qualities that set us apart, rather than feel embarrassed or ‘out of place’, and we actively express those qualities in ways that improve our lives and make a positive contribution to the world. We become fiercely ourselves, with gentle hearts and powerful spirits.
Get 2 workshops for $150
Jump into all 5 for $333
The main theme for the template is sacred feminine empowerment – and that means living one’s soul truth. This is pretty much a general issue for most people in the modern world.
When the soul doesn’t yet understand that it has priestess energy to share with the world for higher purpose, it naturally gravitates towards those dark situations, because it knows it can be a healing light there. The instinct is correct, but there needs to be an understanding that will help the soul do what it needs to do, so it can be free from pain and struggle and instead focus on being bold, courageous, and authentic.
Sometimes the awakening Goddess energy will guide a soul out of a toxic situation so that it can heal and repair itself. At other times, it will show the soul how to stay and be a divine bad-ass or sacred rebel in that situation, sharing its inner light for the greatest good of all. The purpose of this work is to connect the conscious mind with the deeper wisdom and presence of the priestess within the soul. From that connection, the guidance will unfold as needed.
This will be a 5 part series of Workshops
Each available on their own or bundle up and save $$$
Each Workshop with have it's own theme & activation
Here are the five inner goddess powers we will be connecting with:
â—‹ Your Heart - November 6th 2022
â—‹ Your Spirit - November 27th 2022
â—‹ Your Truth - December 18th 2022
â—‹ Your Beauty - January 8th 2022
â—‹ Your Warrior - January 29th 2022
Each Session will be 2-2.5hrs
** Workshops will be recorded, and replays sent out to all who register. **
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